Deliverance Ministry
The Importance of Deliverance
Deliverance ministry is incredibly important to us here at Sword & Shield church. We believe that the Lord has empowered all believers to cast out demons and as the Church, it is our duty to help our brothers and sisters that are in bondage. Jesus came to set the captives free and those that are demonized are not free. They are in bondage, yet the Bible says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. He offers freedom to those that are willing to take it. Through deliverance, the Lord frees His sons and daughters from demonic oppression. If you feel like you are currently in bondage due to Satan and his demons, we here at Sword & Shield Church are dedicated to helping you. For this is the Lord’s will as deliverance ministry was His ministry here when He was on earth.
What is Deliverance?
Deliverance is the action of being rescued or set free. In this particular context, it is the action of being rescued or set free from demons. It is the process of casting a demon out of a person or a place. It is the same thing that Jesus did during His ministry on Earth and what the Apostles did in the early church. Christians can have demons and those that do have them must have them cast out. Demons can hinder our lives and make it exceedingly difficult for us to serve the Lord properly. Through deliverance, the Lord sets free His children that are in bondage due to Satan and his demons.
How can Christians have demons?
Demons come into us because we let them in. Demons enter through habitual sin or the things that we indulge in such as TV, movies, music, games, and specific activities (witchcraft, ouija boards, getting your fortune told). Oftentimes before people become Christian, they open many doors to demonic forces. Sometimes when someone becomes a believer they’ll get delivered, while others will have to go through deliverance. Demons and the Holy Spirit do not reside in the same place in your body. The Holy Spirit resides in your spirit which is now perfected. Demons reside in your flesh where there is nothing good. They reside in a spiritual household that must be cleaned out. From this base of operation, they afflict our body and soul being our mind, will, and emotions.
What do I do if I want deliverance?
If you feel like you have demons and you wish to be delivered, you can fill out our Deliverance Form. By filling out the form, we can learn about who you are and what you go through. We will then get in contact with you and schedule an interview to learn more about you and your situation in detail. After that, we will schedule a deliverance with you to help you to get free.