Posts tagged Prayer
A Biblical Guide to Prayer

Have you ever wondered if there was a specific format in which you should be praying as a Christian? The answer to this question is both yes and no. The Bible indicates to us an ideal way to pray based on the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew Chapter 6 along with a few other select scriptures, but there is a personal flair to prayer as well. While there is an ideal way to pray, prayer can vary from person to person. However, for those of you that like specific instructions on how to do things, below is a Biblical guide to prayer based on scripture. You can use this guide whenever you are having trouble with prayer to help guide you. Here is the guide below:

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5 Tips For Better Prayers

Prayer is one of the foundational pillars of our Christian faith. Through prayer, we can communicate with the creator of the universe. Through prayer, we come into communion with the Lord our God and seek His face. Prayer also helps to strengthen our relationship with God and our overall Christian walk.

However, not all Christians are amazing prayer warriors like their favorite pastor or prophet. Not everyone is proficient in the skill that is prayer and many would say that they wish they had better prayers. For those interested in bettering their prayer lives, I suggest that you keep reading. Although prayer is a personal and intimate activity that has more than one approach there are some general things that you can do as a Christian to improve your prayers.

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