A Biblical Guide to Prayer
Have you ever wondered if there was a specific format in which you should be praying as a Christian? The answer to this question is both yes and no. The Bible indicates to us an ideal way to pray based on the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew Chapter 6 along with a few other select scriptures, but there is a personal flair to prayer as well. While there is an ideal way to pray, prayer can vary from person to person. However, for those of you that like specific instructions on how to do things, below is a Biblical guide to prayer based on scripture. You can use this guide whenever you are having trouble with prayer to help guide you. Here is the guide below:
Prayer Pregame:
Get into the secret place. (Verses: Matthew 6:6/Psalms 91:1/Psalms 139:15-16)
The secret place is a place found in God’s presence. It is a place where you and God interact together one-on-one in private. We get access to the secret place in privacy or private (being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.) You enter the secret place through your intentions or heart posture i.e really wanting to be in that place with God. In order to open the door to the secret place you have to really want to be there.
Acknowledge God (Verses Matthew 6:9/1 Kings 17:21/2 Samuel 15:31)
Acknowledging God reminds us of who we are talking to and puts us in the proper posture to pray. It also helps us to show the Lord respect.
Adoration or Worship (Matthew 6:9/Psalms 2:3)
Adoration or worshipping God helps to put us in a state of humility. Worship helps to keep us humble because you won’t worship anybody that you think you’re better than or that you don’t think deserves it.
Pray in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:18/Jude 1:20)
Praying in the Spirit is praying by the power or under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It can also refer to speaking in tongues. Praying under the influence of the Holy Spirit will make your prayers better and it will align them with the will of God.
Submission (Matthew 6:10/James 4:7)
Christians are called to be submissive people. Submission helps us to stay in alignment with the will of God. For it is His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven, not our own. This is useful in prayer as prayers are more effective when they’re in the will of God. Submission also helps us with humility.
Repentance, Confession, and Forgiveness (Matthew 6:14/1 John 1:9/Proverbs 28:13)
Confession leads to repentance and repentance leads to asking the Lord for forgiveness. As Christians, we should be living a life of repentance. We should consistently and constantly change our mind from our way to His way (which if it is true will result in a change of action as well.) Confession is important because confession lifts burdens, keeps us humble, and helps us to heal. God won’t heal what you don’t bring to Him. He won’t relieve you of the things you don’t give Him. You will end up in pride if you aren’t honest with yourself in confession. Asking God for forgiveness helps to keep us humble and to remind us of our position with Him. We sin and we are allowed to approach the throne of grace with confidence to receive what we need. God is faithful to forgive us if we ask Him for it.
Petition and Provision (Matthew 6:11/Matthew 7:7-11/Philippians 4:6)
God desires for us to petition Him and ask Him for things in prayer. You have not because you ask not. We petition God to receive the things that we need in order to be better for Him. Furthermore, He wishes to help us in all things, we only need to ask. We aren’t a burden or a bother to Him. He is a Father who simply desires to help His children.
Guidance and Protection (Matthew 6:13/Matthew 26:41/Proverbs 3:5-8)
A life led by the Lord will never go astray. We should ask for and seek the guidance and protection of the Lord. A life submitted to His will and way will be the greatest life that we can live. We should also seek His protection and guidance in regard to sin and temptation. A Christian that doesn’t pray over sin and temptation will eventually put themselves back under the slavery of sin. We can’t do it in our own strength.
Thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6-8/1 Thessalonians 5:18/Psalms 107:1)
Thanksgiving helps to keep us humble and it helps us focus on the better things in life. As humans we oftentimes focus on the negative aspects of life rather than the positive ones. Thanksgiving helps us to be grateful and reminds us of the good things. The Bible tells us also to think about the good things. It helps especially when dealing with tribulation.
Seal (John 13:14-15)
Jesus tells us that if we ask anything in His name, He will do it. The seal also helps to protect our prayers and it’s a nice little reminder of what Christ has done for us.
Below is an example prayer to help see the steps used in a more practical format. For some of you, you may even want to pray this prayer yourself.
Example Prayer:
Acknowledging God - “Heavenly Father, glory be to Your name Almighty God.
Adoration or Worship - Creator of the Universe, Mighty One to whom the power, glory, and dominion belong alone.
Praying in the Spirit - Holy Spirit help me and guide me in prayer Lord that I may pray a better and more effective prayer in Your will.
Submission - Lord help me to be obedient and submissive to you. I pray Lord that Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven in my life Lord. I surrender my will and my way to Yours Lord.
Repentance, Confession, and Forgiveness - Lord forgive me for my sins Lord known and unknown. I pray renew my mind and help me to walk in Your footsteps. Forgive me Lord for I have sinned against you. I have been disobedient and rebellious towards you. I have neglected Your word and I haven’t spent time with You as I should. I’ve engaged in worldly activities and have forsaken Your commandments Father. I confess these things to You so that they may be brought out in the open and so that You may refine me Lord.
Petition and Provision- I pray Lord that You help me to serve You and to live for You. I pray Lord that You speak to me and help me to discern Your voice. Help me to recognize You amongst all the chaos. I pray that You help me to get rid of anything that is preventing me from hearing You properly. I pray Lord that You help me to understand Your word and to rightly divide the word of truth. Help me to abide in You that You may abide in me. I wish to be fruitful Lord so I pray that the fruit of the Spirit be made abundant within me. Refine me Lord and sanctify me and make me holy as You are holy Lord. Draw me near to You and increase us in our relationship with one another. I pray Lord that You refine my spiritual gifts and that you teach me how to use them. Reveal to me Father the plans that You have for me. Help me to be obedient to You and Your word and to surrender to You. Cleanse my heart of all impurity and evil Father. Humble me, bring me low, and help me to be a servant Father. Help me to deny myself, pick up my cross and follow after You Father. Help me to put to death all members of my body that lead me into impurity. I pray that you continue to provide me with everything that I need in accordance to Your riches and glory.
Guidance and Protection - Help me to walk within Your will and Your way. Guide me in the way to go in all things and I pray that Your word is a light to my path. Send Your angels guard over me and my family Father. Take care of me and help me to acknowledge you in all my ways. Help me to fight against temptation and guide me through every trial and tribulation. Give me the strength to resist sin and to choose righteousness Father. Continue to lead me and guide me in Your way Father. I pray that I walk in the Spirit so that I will not gratify the desires of the flesh. I don upon myself the armor of God being the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, feet shod with the Gospel of peace, the belt of truth, on my arm is the shield of faith, and out of my mouth comes the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Protect me in my dreams Father. I cover myself and my family in Your blood that we may be protected.
Thanksgiving - Thank you Father for everything that You provide for me. Thank You for sacrificing Your life on the cross for me. Thank You for always being there for me regardless of whether or not I’ve known it. Thank You for taking me out of the world and dealing with all my issues. Thank You for allowing me to be Your child and for You being my Father.
Seal - I love You Lord and I pray for all these things in Jesus name I pray, thank God amen.”
I hope that is guide is helpful for those that have been having trouble with prayer. Remember that prayer is personal and how I pray is not how you will pray. There is not one single way that we should pray however, there is an ideal way to pray. Furthermore not every situation even requires a prayer of this length or detail. Pray in accordance with your situation and needs. Know that you can mix and match the things you’ve learned from this guide and in some cases, you can completely forgo some of the steps. The more that you practice praying, the better at it you’ll get. Keep striving to be amazing prayer warriors!