You are not crazy. You are hearing God’s voice.
You are not crazy. You are hearing God’s voice.
One common misconception amongst Christians and even non-Christians is that God does not talk to us. People believe that when they hear a voice in their heads that it is really just them speaking to themselves or even the devil talking to them. It’s so funny that a lot of people will think that the devil can talk to them but God can’t. If you really think about that, does it really make much sense considering that God made all of creation including satan himself and satan is surely not more powerful than God. So if you think only satan can talk to you, you are mistaken. God can and will talk to you too!
In John 10:27 It states “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; We are the sheep and He is the shepherd and we hear His voice!
Another thing people think is that God doesn’t talk to you at all. Well, we know that He speaks to you in your mind but there are other ways that God speaks to you.
He speaks to you through other people. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they tell you something that you needed to hear and the timing was just right?
Have you ever seen something on television or heard a song that spoke to you with a message that you needed to hear and it touched and blessed you?
Have you ever walked past a sign and it says exactly the right thing to you for that specific moment?
Have you ever been led to open up a book or even the Bible and it landed on the right page with a message that you needed to see?
God speaks to us through visions and dreams. Yes. He will give you important messages in dreams and visions. He will give you instruction and direction in the times when our mind is quiet and ready to receive His word.
Well, these are just a few examples of other ways that God will speak to us. A lot of times you won’t notice because it may seem like a coincidence or even seem random but don’t forget, God knows what you need and when you need it even more than you do. His still small voice can be muted out because your mind is so busy with work, school, social media, music and other activities. Because the world is so busy and we are always on the go and preoccupied with some sort of entertainment, our minds have been polluted with cares of the world and those things crowd out the voice of God.
Have you ever heard God’s voice speak to you and you followed the given instruction and it prevented you from getting into a big mess or prevented you from danger? People try to call it the sixth sense or intuition but no, that is God’s Spirit speaking to you, speaking direction into your life. He is leading and guiding you into the proper way to live and go. Jeremiah 33:3 says ‘‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’’ God wants to talk to you and tell you so many things.
So. Listen up. You are not crazy. If you are hearing an encouraging, still small voice in your head, it’s probably God. You shouldn’t ignore Him either. He knows what’s best for you.